Update for Today

These are the updates including corrections/changes to the schedule:

9/19 Monday- Precious Knowledge screens today 7PM at MACLA in San Jose

9/20 Tuesday- Free- Co-Presented with KQED – Not in Our town free screening at MACLA in San Jose Doors open at 6PM

9/2o Tuesday- Free- Precious Knowledge screens at College of Marin 12:40PM Kentwood

9/20 Tuesday-Free- Soulbound screens at Pacific Film Archives 7PM Berkeley

9/21 Wednesday-Free- Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice screens at College of Marin 12:40PM Kentwood

9/21 Wednesday- $12- Mistura: The Power of Food/Funraiser at IcTus Gallery in San Francisco 7PM. Tickets on line or at the door. Tickets: 1-800-838-3006

9/22 Thursday-$12- Following the Stars screens w/ short film The Chalk at Mission cultural Center San Francisco 7PM. Tickets online or by phone at brownpapertickets.com or at the Mission Cultural Center box office. Tickets: 1-800-838-3006

9/23 Friday-$12- Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice. Screens w/ short film at Mission cultural Center San Francisco 7PM. Tickets online or by phone at brownpapertickets.com or at the Mission Cultural Center box office. Tickets: 1-800-838-3006

9/24 Saturday: 3PM Shorts Program; 4:45PM Not So Short Shorts Program; 6:30PM Photos of Angie; 7:45PM F**K My Life  Mission Cultural Center screenings. Tickets online or by phone at brownpapertickets.com or at the Mission Cultural Center box office. 1-800-838-3006

9/25 Sunday: La Salsa Cubana. Matinee. Brava Theater. 2PM. Tickets online. Selling FAST. Tickets: 1-800-838-3006

9/25 Sunday: Closing Salsa Party Meet up at El Rio. Cover charge $8. Live band.

Lucho Ramirez

Lucho Ramirez is the director of Cine+Mas SF, the presenter of the SF Latino Film Festival.


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